A couple of days ago Trivadis released the Trivadis PL/SQL & SQL CodeChecker (tvdcc) as SQL Developer Extension. TVDCC does check the editor content for compliance violations of the Trivadis PL/SQL & SQL Coding Guidelines Version 2.0.
Quote from the blog post of my work colleague:
Furthermore McCabe’s cyclomatic complexity, Halstead’s volume, the maintainability index and some other software metrics are calculated for each PL/SQL unit and aggregated on file level.
The results are presented in an additional tabbed panel. One tab shows all guideline violations to quickly navigate to the corresponding code position, the other tab contains a full HTML report, which also may be opened in your external browser.
It is a convenient tool, especially if you do not regularly developed PL / SQL code.
Additional information and links related to the Trivadis PL/SQL & SQL CodeChecker.