I’ve just setup a new Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control on Windows Server 2008 R2 for Customer. It’s a small one system setup, which will be used to monitor a few Oracle Databases on Windows and Linux. After the successful setup I’ve tried to deploy agents from the console, using the AgentPull. I have already performed this several times successfully. But somehow it does not work with It fails while creating the plugin archive…
Creation of the plugin archive “e:/oracle/product/gc_inst/em/EMGC_OMS1/sysman/agentpush/
/plugins/windows_x64/” failed. Check the log file e:/oracle/product/gc_inst/em/EMGC_OMS1/sysman/agentpush/logs/EMAgentPushLogger .log for more details
It seems, that on windows does have issues creating the agent image when OMS_HOME is on a different drive than SCRATCHPATH.
In my installation the OMS_HOME is on drive D: whereas SCRATCHPATH is on drive C:. The solution is straight forward. I’ve just have to reconfigure the SCRATCHPATH in ssPaths_msplats.properties.
cd $OMS_HOME\oui\prov\resources\ cp ssPaths_msplats.properties ssPaths_msplats.properties.bck vi ssPaths_msplats.properties SCRATCHPATH=C:/tmpada SCRATCHPATH=D:/tmpada
As soon as this has change you may re-deploy the agent from the console.
More details to this issue can be found in the MOS note and the related Bug / Patch: