GDPR and Database Security Speeches

The new EU GDPR and Database Security in general keeps me busy. I’ve updated the list of speeches and events for the next couple of month. It’s an interesting mix between GDPR, Oracle Database Security and MS SQL Server 2016 security. Depending on the feedback of the Call For Papers for the DOAG Conference and the Oracle OpenWorld there will probably be more. But for now I’ll definitely give a full day training on Oracle Database 12c Security at the Education day on DOAG Conference.

Upcoming events

Event Information:

  • Tue

    UKOUG 2021 Spring Tech Summit

    Titel: Oracle Cloud deployment with Terraform

    Elevator Pitch: Quickly provisioning of infrastructure resources in the Oracle Cloud? Nothing easier than that with Terraform and the Oracle Terraform Provider. Using a training environment as an example, we show how resources in OCI can be configured and scaled with the Oracle Terraform Provider.

    Description: The Oracle Cloud allows to build and configure various infrastructure resources. But you won't get far by just using "click acrobatics" via Web Console, especially if you want to build several similar and complex environments. A mouse click cannot be saved just like that. Oracle offers several API's to create and manage objects in OCI, e.g. Oracle OCI commandline utility, OCI SDK, Terraform Provider etc. This presentation will explain how to implement Infrastructure as Code in OCI using Terraform and the Oracle Terraform Provider. Using a training environment as an example, it will be shown how to build components with Terraform Server, databases and network components and how to scale them in terms of resources or number.

    The presentation is supplemented by examples and live demos.

Have you missed an event? In this case check out the download page or blog post categorized with speaking. If possible, I’ll provide all information online?