A while ago I wrote a blog post about issues with some Oracle Unified Audit Policies see Help I lost my brand new Unified Audit Policy? In the meantime, the whole thing no longer looks so tragic. The problem is an official bug for which Oracle has already released a one-off patch. See Oracle Support Document 30769454.8Bug 30769454 – Policy Created For Some Actions Are Not Showing In Audit_Unified_Policies.
Install and Test
Let’s see how our system looks before we install the patch. The output of OPatch shows that nothing special has been installed except RU 19.18.
And as expected, we do not see these in AUDIT_UNIFIED_POLICIES.
SET pagesize 200
SET linesize 160
COL policy_name FOR A25
SELECT policy_name FROM audit_unified_policies
WHERE policy_name LIKE 'TVD%'
GROUP BY policy_name ORDER BY policy_name;
no rows selected
But in the view DBA_OBJECTS.
SET pagesize 200
SET linesize 160
COL object_name FOR A25
COL object_type FOR A25
SELECT object_name, object_type FROM dba_objects
WHERE object_name LIKE 'TVD%' ORDER BY object_name;
oracle@db19:/tmp/30769454/ [TSEC02] $cdh/OPatch/opatch apply
Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2023, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Oracle Home : /u01/app/oracle/product/
Central Inventory : /u01/app/oraInventory
from : /u01/app/oracle/product/
OPatch version :
OUI version :
Log file location : /u01/app/oracle/product/
Verifying environment and performing prerequisite checks...
OPatch continues with these patches: 30769454
Do you want to proceed? [y|n]
User Responded with: Y
All checks passed.
Backing up files...
Applying interim patch '30769454' to OH '/u01/app/oracle/product/'
Patching component oracle.rdbms.dbscripts,
Patch 30769454 successfully applied.
Log file location: /u01/app/oracle/product/
OPatch succeeded.
And finally datapatch
oracle@db19:/tmp/30769454/ [TSEC02] $cdh/OPatch/datapatch
SQL Patching tool version Production on Tue Apr 4 22:43:53 2023
Copyright (c) 2012, 2023, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Log file for this invocation: /u01/app/oracle/cfgtoollogs/sqlpatch/sqlpatch_8785_2023_04_04_22_43_53/sqlpatch_invocation.log
Connecting to database...OK
Gathering database info...done
Bootstrapping registry and package to current versions...done
Determining current state...done
Current state of interim SQL patches:
Binary registry: Installed
SQL registry: Not installed
Interim patch 31668882 (OJVM RELEASE UPDATE: (31668882)):
Binary registry: Not installed
SQL registry: Rolled back successfully on 30-MAR-23 PM
Interim patch 34786990 (OJVM RELEASE UPDATE: (34786990)):
Binary registry: Installed
SQL registry: Applied with errors on 30-MAR-23 PM
Current state of release update SQL patches:
Binary registry: Release_Update 230111171738: Installed
SQL registry:
Applied Release_Update 230111171738 with errors on 30-MAR-23 PM
Adding patches to installation queue and performing prereq checks...done
Installation queue:
No interim patches need to be rolled back
Patch 34765931 (Database Release Update : (34765931)):
Apply from Release_Update 200930183249 to Release_Update 230111171738
The following interim patches will be applied:
34786990 (OJVM RELEASE UPDATE: (34786990))
Installing patches...
Patch installation complete. Total patches installed: 3
Validating logfiles...done
Patch 34765931 apply: SUCCESS
logfile: /u01/app/oracle/cfgtoollogs/sqlpatch/34765931/25078403/34765931_apply_TSEC02_2023Apr04_22_44_17.log (no errors)
Patch 34786990 apply: SUCCESS
logfile: /u01/app/oracle/cfgtoollogs/sqlpatch/34786990/25032666/34786990_apply_TSEC02_2023Apr04_22_44_16.log (no errors)
Patch 30769454 apply: SUCCESS
logfile: /u01/app/oracle/cfgtoollogs/sqlpatch/30769454/25157729/30769454_apply_TSEC02_2023Apr04_22_47_53.log (no errors)
SQL Patching tool complete on Tue Apr 4 22:48:16 2023
opatch now lists the oneonf patch
oracle@db19:/tmp/30769454/ [TSEC02] $cdh/OPatch/opatch lspatches
34786990;OJVM RELEASE UPDATE: (34786990)
34765931;Database Release Update : (34765931)
29585399;OCW RELEASE UPDATE (29585399)
OPatch succeeded.
Without further adjustments the created policy is now visible in AUDIT_UNIFIED_POLICIES.
SET pagesize 200
SET linesize 160
COL policy_name FOR A25
SELECT policy_name FROM audit_unified_policies
WHERE policy_name LIKE 'TVD%'
GROUP BY policy_name ORDER BY policy_name;
As written in the original blog post, the issue is not critical, but can cause problems during automated deployment. Especially if you check in AUDIT_UNIFIED_POLICIES if a policy already exists. The workaround is to query DBA_OBJECTS directly instead of AUDIT_UNIFIED_POLICIES. Or install the One-Off patch. It is a pleasure when issues are fixed quickly by a bugfix. The probability is by the way relatively high, that this bugfix will be fixed with the next release update in April. We’ll see…
I am currently working on audit concepts as well as corresponding Unified Audit Policies for various customer projects. That’s why today I once again had a closer look at Oracle Unified Audit.
One requirement in the security concept is to be able to track if someone accesses the operating system via Oracle DIRECTORY OBJECTS. To do this, you can either work with an explicit object action on a specific directory or you can generally audit the object actions on directories. An audit policy with one or more explicit object actions must of course be managed accordingly. Therefore I decided to monitor actions on Oracle directories in general. I.e. READ, WRITE and EXECUTE.
CREATE AUDIT POLICY tvdlm_dir_access
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-46358: Audit policy TVDLM_DIR_ACCESS already exists.
But where is it? Lets see if we found it in dba_objects.
SET pagesize 200
SET linesize 160
COL object_name FOR A25
COL object_type FOR A25
SELECT object_name, object_type FROM dba_objects
WHERE object_name LIKE 'TVD%' ORDER BY object_name;
OK in dba_objects we can see the policy. Can we also use / enable it?
Test Case
Let’s setup a simple test case to see if this audit policy does work even when it is not shown as valid audit policy in audit_unified_policies. As a first step we do enable the audit policy for all user.
AUDIT POLICY tvdlm_dir_access;
Verify all active unified audit policies by quering audit_unified_enabled_policies.
SET linesize 160 pagesize 200
COL policy_name FOR A20
COL entity_name FOR A10
SELECT * FROM audit_unified_enabled_policies;
-------------------- --------------- ---------- ------- --- ---
3 rows selected.
This looks promising. At least the active audit policy is shown correctly. Now, to test access, we create an Oracle directory object. For the test I use the user scott.
CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY exttab AS '/u01/app/oracle/admin/TSEC02/adhoc';
In the adhoc folder we do create a csv file scott.emp.csv with the following content.
SELECT empno||','||ename||','||job csv_output FROM scott.emp;
Run the query on the external table scott.emp_external.
SELECT * FROM scott.emp_external;
---------- ---------- ---------
14 rows selected.
Verify what we do have in the unified_audit_trail.
COL event_timestamp FOR A26
COL entry_id FOR 999
COL dbusername FOR A5
COL dbproxy_username FOR A10
COL action_name FOR A18
COL return_code FOR 999999
COL object_schema FOR A10
COL object_name FOR A16
COL unified_audit_policies FOR A20
to_char(event_timestamp,'DD.MM.YY HH24:MI:SS') "Timestamp",
--, unified_audit_policies
event_timestamp ,
So the whole thing is not as bad as it looked at the beginning. The audit policy is created, can be activated and the corresponding audit records are created. Nevertheless, not seeing the audit policy in audit_unified_policies is a bit confusing. Especially since according to Oracle documentation this view should list all available audit policies. After a bit of research and a service request, it sure turned out that this is a known issue. A corresponding bugfix seems to be in the works. Until then you have to query dba_objects to check if a policy really exists.
A few final facts…
Oracle Support Document 30769454.8Bug 30769454 – Policy Created For Some Actions Are Not Showing In Audit_Unified_Policies.
Oracle Support Document 2419064.1 Audit Policy is Not Seen in AUDIT_UNIFIED_POLICIES After Dropping Objects.
Oracle Database Enterprise Edition up to 21.3 is affected. Testing with 21c RU January 2023 ( showed that in this version the problem is fixed.
Audit policies on directory action do create a couple of audit records. It seems that this is related to how external tables are accessed. This can be reduced by explicitly set NOLOGFILE, NOBADFILE or NODISCARDFILE. But still then there will always be more than just one single entry.
In December 2021, the critical vulnerability in Apache Log4j (CVE-2021-44228) was disclosed. With a CVSS rating of 10 out of 10, this vulnerability was or is extremely critical. Especially since Log4j is used relatively widely. Despite a great effort, many applications could only be corrected with a delay. Thus, it is not surprising that this vulnerability is still on our minds. This is also the case with Oracle Unified Directory in several customer projects. In this blog post I show how to find and install the appropriate patch for Oracle Unified Directory and check if the vulnerability is fixed.
As with many other products, Oracle Unified Directory also includes the Apache Log4j library. In particular the directory oracle_common/modules/thirdparty includes a bunch of third party modules. Accordingly, the home directory of Oracle Unified Directory is in the focus of security scanners, which find the corresponding Apache Log4j library and identify it as a potential vulnerability. See also Oracle Support Document 2830143.1.
But as far as I know, Log4j is not used at all in a regular OUD instance. However, it seems reasonable to assume that this is the case. The Java head dump of an OUD instance at least does not list any corresponding Log4j classes. For a simple plausibility test, I used jProfiler to create a head dump of an Oracle Unified Directory instance and inspected the classes.
Java Head Dump of an OUD Instance
There are certainly other tools and better methods to verify this. But since I am not a Java developer, this simple test was sufficient for me.
What now? Oracle Unified Directory does not seem to use Log4j. But the security scanners still show a vulnerability. The easiest thing to do is to define a security exception and ignore the security finding at least for a while and wait for an official patch. It has been a while since December 2021. It will be difficult to justify the security exception for such a long time. So let’s look at possible mitigation measures.
At first, I assumed that the latest April 2022 bundle patch for Oracle Unified Directory would fix this vulnerability. But after the security scanner continued to show the Apache Log4j vulnerability on a new OUD instance with April 2022 bundle patch, I took a closer look. My mistake then was to first look for security fixes for Oracle Unified Directory. In doing so, I disregarded Fusion Middleware, especially Weblogic Server. Finally I made a standalone installation of Oracle Unified Directory to keep the size of the binaries small.
On the third attempt, I read the Oracle Support Document 2827793.1 a little more closely…
With an update from April 19, reference is made to Oracle Support Document 2806740.2Critical Patch Update (CPU) Patch Advisor for Oracle Fusion Middleware – Updated for July 2022. This is the Oracle Support Document, which is updated with every Critical Patch Advisory and lists the different patches for the whole Fusion Middleware Stack. Not so easy to find Oracle Unified Directory the first time. With time you get used to it. Oracle Unified Directory is listed under Identity & Access Management. If you select the current version, you get a table with the latest patches around Oracle Unified Directory.
Latest patches for Oracle Unified Directory (Standalone)
Typical case of not reading closely. Anyway, in April I overlooked this patch and only installed the regular bundle patch for OUD. Any way, patching is then as usual easy.
Download the patch 34287807 to your directory server
Stop all OUD instances using a script or stop-ds
Unzip the patch
Install the patch using opatch apply
Start all OUD instances using a script or start-ds
In summary, the command line commands look like this.
cd /opt/stage
unzip p34287807_122140_Generic.zip
cd 34287807
$ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch apply
Verification is not that easy. Especially since I do not have the same security scanners as the customer. The first check is therefore with the OPatch tool. Below I just grep for Log4j to simplify the output.
As we see the name of the JAR is still log4j-2.11.1.jar. This makes it appear that Oracle is still using the version with the vulnerability. Let’s see what’s in the Manifest file.
unzip -q -c $ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/modules/thirdparty/log4j-2.11.1.jar META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Bundle-Description: The Apache Log4j Implementation
Implementation-Title: Apache Log4j
Bundle-SymbolicName: org.apache.logging.log4j
Implementation-Version: 2.17.1
Archiver-Version: Plexus Archiver
Built-By: Oracle
Specification-Vendor: The Apache Software Foundation
Specification-Title: Apache Log4j
Bundle-Vendor: The Apache Software Foundation
Implementation-Vendor: The Apache Software Foundation
Bundle-Version: 2.17.1
Created-By: Apache Maven 3.6.0
Build-Jdk: 1.8.0_221
It seems that at least the manifest file has been updated. Of course I hope that Oracle has also updated the corresponding classes. If the scanner only checks the filename it will still list a vulnerability. When checking the manifest file and/or the hash value of the classes, no vulnerability is listed anymore.
While searching for ways to easily check the Apache Log4j vulnerability, I came across the GitHub project rubo77/log4j_checker_beta. This project does provide a set of script and hash files to check the environment for possible Apache Log4j vulnerabilities. It is available for Linux, MacOS and Windows.
Let’s have a try and check what the script is finding on a system which just have been patched with 34287807.
An extract of a scan with the script looks as follows. You can see that the vulnerability was still found. However, the file with the old version of Apache Log4j is located in the $ORACLE_HOME/.patch_storage directory. This directory contains the old files and is used when patches need to be uninstalled again. To be able to install / uninstall patches correctly, you have to leave this directory as it is. See also Oracle Support Document 2852759.1.
sudo /tmp/log4j_checker_beta.sh -e /u01/app/oracle/product/oud12.
[INFO] using default hash file. If you want to use other hashes, set another URL as first argument
[INFO] Created vulnerable hashes file from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rubo77/log4j_checker_beta/main/hashes-pre-cve.txt
[INFO] Looking for files containing log4j...
[INFO] Using locate, which could be using outdated data. Be sure to have called updatedb recently
[WARNING] Maybe vulnerable, those files contain the name:
[INFO] Checking installed packages: (solr\|elastic\|log4j)
[INFO] No yum packages found
[INFO] Checking if Java is installed...
[INFO] Java is not installed
[INFO] Analyzing JAR/WAR/EAR files in /var /etc /usr /opt /lib* /u01/app/oracle/product/oud12. ...
[INFO] Also checking hashes
[WARNING] [463 - contains log4j files] /u01/app/oracle/product/oud12.
[WARNING] [1308 - vulnerable binary classes] /u01/app/oracle/product/oud12.
[INFO] Found 1314 files in unpacked binaries containing the string 'log4j' with 1 vulnerabilities
[WARNING] Found 1 vulnerabilities in unpacked binaries
[INFO] _________________________________________________
[WARNING] Some apps bundle the vulnerable library in their own compiled package, so even if 'java' is not installed, one of the applications could still be vulnerable.
[WARNING] This script does not guarantee that you are not vulnerable, but is a strong hint.
The Apache Log4j has been around for a while and is relatively easy to fix in the meantime. As we have seen, it can also be fixed with Oracle Unified Directory. From that point of view, this blog post does not convey breaking news at this point. Since I had to deal with this topic several times in the past in a couple of projects, I have put together this information. I hope one or the other will find this helpful as well.
Finally, a few notes to myself 🙄:
Read Oracle support documents carefully. Sometimes they contain an update.
Oracle Unified Directory is and will remain a part of Oracle Fusion Middleware. Therefore, general information and patches are also relevant.
Always study the whole list of patches in Oracle Support Document 2806740.2Critical Patch Update (CPU) Patch Advisor for Oracle Fusion Middleware – Updated for July 2022
Oracle Support Document 2830143.1Impact of December 2021 Apache Log4j Vulnerabilities on Oracle on-premises products (CVE-2021-44228, CVE-2021-45046)
Oracle Support Document 2847142.1General impact of Apache Log4j vulnerabilities on Oracle Products and Services
Oracle Support Document 2827611.1Impact of December 2021 Apache Log4j Vulnerabilities on Oracle Products and Services (CVE-2021-44228, CVE-2021-45046)
Oracle Support Document 2827793.1 Security Alert CVE-2021-44228 / CVE-2021-45046 Patch Availability Document for Oracle WebLogic Server and Fusion Middleware
Oracle Support Document 2806740.2Critical Patch Update (CPU) Patch Advisor for Oracle Fusion Middleware – Updated for July 2022
Oracle Support Document 1074055.1Security Vulnerability FAQ for Oracle Database and Fusion Middleware Products
Oracle Support Document 2768441.1Details for Oracle Fusion Middleware Third-Party Component Updates
Oracle Support Document 2640772.1Information And Bug Listing of Oracle Unified Directory Bundle Patches: (12cR2PS4) Version
Oracle Support Document 2638933.1Summarized Steps to Patch the Underlying Components Used in Oracle Unified Directory Installations
Oracle Support Document 2852759.1Can Files be Deleted From the .patch_storage Directory After Patches Has Been Applied Successfully
As you could see in my blog post as well as presentations of the last months, I use Excalidraw for drawing hand-drawn like diagrams for a while now. A colleague at work made me aware of the tool. A colleague at work made me aware of the tool. And since the first use of Excalidraw, I am thrilled.
But what is Excalidraw? It is a virtual whiteboard for sketching hand-drawn like diagrams. Collaborative and end-to-end encrypted. A perfect companion for virtual trainings, workshops and more. The tool is simple and intuitive. Within a few minutes you can create your first diagrams. There are also a number of public libraries available.
Example sketch of an Oracle DB Point in Time Recovery
The Tool
Excalidraw is a virtual whiteboard for sketching hand-drawn like diagrams. The blog post One Year of Excalidraw does provide a good overview about the technology stack behind it as well the features available. As an end user, you use Excalidraw as a web app or alternatively embedded in an application such as Visual Studio Code (Excalidraw Extension)
After half a year of virtual trainings, workshops and presentations, I have been drawing a bunch of my diagrams using Excalidraw. Usually I do store them as offline files in the corresponding project folder or git repository. Nevertheless, I have a few sketches, which I use again and again. Since it is not always practical to create an Excalidraw library, I have created a GitHub repository with various sketches. With the combination of Visual Studio Code, GIT and the Excalidraw Extension, it is thus relatively easy to access existing sketches. The corresponding GitHub repository is available via oehrlis/sketches. At the moment there are sketches available for the following topics.
backup Sketches all around the topic of backup & recovery. Mainly backup & recovery use cases for Oracle databases.
libraries A couple of Excalidraw libraries which have not yet officially be published in the Excalidraw library repository.
misc Miscellaneous Sketches about different topic. Basically all sketches that are not or not yet stored somewhere else.
oci Sketches all around the topic of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) including LAB setup, Terraform and more.
security Sketches all around the topic of Oracle Database Security.
The sketches can be used as ideas, templates or in any other form. If you use the sketches in an official document, please include an appropriate reference / source. I would definitely appreciate any contributions to this GitHub repository, e.g. comments, stars, issues, pull requests etc.
Summary of the most important links and references.
After a long time with work and vacations at home, is now soon again vacation time. The ideal time to travel more and discover new places. For me, that includes taking my dusty photography equipment with me. However, it’s not quite like it used to be. The days are gone when I carried a bag full of slide films across South America. Hence also the challenges changed. I no longer have to worry about my films being inspected by hand. In return, I now have to take care of a pile of data. And finally, backup & recovery is one of the many topics that keep me busy in my work.
The problem: How to backup photos while traveling?
The Problem
With modern digital cameras and high resolutions, a few GB of data can be generated very quickly. Depending on the model, this can be several MB or even up to 100MB per image in RAW format. How to become a master of this data flood? What options do I have?
Amount of Images: The first thing you should do is to take pictures consciously and not just snap them. 🙄
Storage Options:
Take enough SD cards with you…
Take large enough SD Cards with you…
Backup SD cards to use them several times…
So just take a huge amount of SD cards with me I do not want. On the one hand, it goes into the money, on the other hand, such a SD card can also break. Losing a 128GB SD Card with half the pictures of you trip is not funny. So what remains is the regular backup. Maybe you might think, no problem, you can do it on your notebook. Nope. I do work in IT as a consultant and carry 1-2 notebooks around with me all year. So the first thing I don’t take on vacation is the notebook.
A few Ideas
So what options remain to backup data on a 6 week long trip?
Option 1: Upload the pictures on a regular basis to a cloud storage e.g. Dropbox, OneDrive, iCloud or you private NAS with remote access. But here you need a camera or another device with which you can upload the data via internet. But what about the network speed? Roaming? With 200-300GB you will surely get desperate.
Option 2: Come on, just take your laptop with you…
Option 3: Copy you pictures to you tablet or phone. Mmh yes, but who has 500 GB of free space?
Option 4: Use one of these nice HDD / SSD with a built-in SD card reader. For example:
LaCie Rugged BOSS SSD with SD card reader, battery etc. this allows on the file copies of you SD cards. Actually a cool solution just a bit expensive.
LaCie Rugged RAID Pro with 4TB and a SD card reader. Unfortunately this one requires a device to copy the data. When using with a tablet you also have to power the HDD with a power supply.
WD My Passport wireless to copy the data onto.
Build you own Rugged BOSS with a Raspberry Pi
Option 5: A regular HDD / SSD and a SD card reader with a tablet or phone
Which option would you prefer? I first though about Option 4 and to buy a LaCie Rugged BOSS SSD. But then this was too proprietary and too expensive for me. So I decided to go with option 5. Especially since I already have most of the components.
The Solution
The Solution: SD card, SSD and iPad to backup
My photo gear packing list will be completed for the trip as follows:
Apple iPad Pro. Could also by an iPhone or any other tablet / phone. It either requires an USB-C port or a different hub.
Satechi 6in1 Hub / Dock with a SD card reader, USB port and the corresponding cable for the iPad. Could also be any other hub.
Sandisk Extreme Pro Portable: I do use a 2TB model with Apple APFS and encryption. The lates iOS devices can also read APFS. This way I can keep my disk secure.
USB-C cable for the SSD
SD cards for the camera
Yeah but how you do the backup now? I do plug all together. As the iPad can handle external storage devices, you will be able to read / access the SD Card as well the SSD. You can either user the File App or any other App which handles files. In the following picture you see the File App with the SSD (traveler) and the SD card (Leica M). To get access to the SSD with APFS and encryption, I only had to enter the password to unlock.
Apple iOS File App
Within the File App you then can copy individual each picture or the whole content of the SD card. If you enjoy moving folders or individual images with your finger, it is quite ok. It gets complicated if you do not delete the SD card again and again and thus copy the existing images again. To make this a bit faster, rsync would not be bad. However, this is not available on the iPad. But there is an App called Sync Folder Pro. With this app you can define simple tasks to synchronise two directories e.g. SD Card with SSD.
Sync Folder Pro synchronising SD card with SSD backup folder
In my case I just did create a task for the two folder with the sync mode A+>B. This does update the backup folder with the new content of the SD card.
My workflow now looks like this:
Put everything together
Unlock encrypted SSD
Start sync job to update the backup on SSD with the latest photos from any of my SD cards
Optional start to review a few pictures using the File App and/or importing some of them into Lightroom on iPad
So the tests at home on the desk were successful. What is still missing is the real use in the coming summer vacations. But I am confident that this will work out well. In the event that I do have fast wifi, I will of course back up data to my NAS via wifi. To be on the safe side, I’ll take my analog Leica M6 with a few films. It has already passed its toughest test. In addition, I know that with this camera can definitely take home a few pictures. The problem is then rather to develop the films at home….
With the introduction of Oracle Unified Audit, Oracle has completely redesigned the process of logging audit events. With the new unified audit trail, there is only one place where audit records are stored. Ok, the audit trail exists per PDB and for a read only database additionally somehow as a binary overflow file. However, the times are over in which we had to deal with AUD$, FGA_LOG$ or DVSYS.AUDIT_TRAIL$ tables and all kinds of audit files. Everything is all right, isn’t it?
Unfortunately not quite. Oracle left out the possibility to write audit records to SYSLOG in the first implementations of Oracle Unified Audit. With the release Oracle 18c later 19c this functionality was added again step by step. But before you get too excited and start switching the audit trail back to SYSLOG, you need to take a look at one or two things. The new initialisation parameters UNIFIED_AUDIT_SYSTEMLOG and UNIFIED_AUDIT_COMMON_SYSTEMLOG do not work quite the same as AUDIT_SYSLOG_LEVEL used to. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at audit configuration in the context of SYSLOG.
Even with the use of the SYSLOG configuration for Oracle Unified Audit, the Unified Audit Infrastructure as well as the audit policies must be configured as before. In this respect, nothing changes with SYSLOG forwarding. With the new initialisation parameters below, Oracle only enables that the audit records are additionally forwarded to SYSLOG in a reduced form.
UNIFIED_AUDIT_SYSTEMLOG specifies whether key fields of unified audit records will be written to the SYSLOG utility (on UNIX platforms) or to the Windows Event Viewer (on Windows). In a CDB, this parameter is a per-PDB static initialisation parameter. This parameter is available from Oracle 18c.
UNIFIED_AUDIT_COMMON_SYSTEMLOG specifies whether key fields of unified audit records generated due to common audit policies will be written to the SYSLOG utility. This parameter is available only from Oracle 19c.
The following sketch shows the schematic structure of the unified audit configuration with ¡ forwarding in an Oracle Multitenant Database. Whereby the following has been configured:
Common audit policy COMMON_ORA_LOGON for audit action LOGON
Local audit policy LOCAL_ORA_LOGON for audit action LOGON
UNIFIED_AUDIT_SYSTEMLOG parameter set to SYSLOG facility local0.info
UNIFIED_AUDIT_COMMON_SYSTEMLOG parameter set to SYSLOG facility local1.info
Unified Audit with SYSLOG configuration in an Oracle Multitenant Database
The following use cases are drawn in the sketch:
Common User Login to CDB$ROOT
A common user is logged into the CDB$ROOT and COMMON_ORA_LOGON does create an audit event for audit action LOGON
A single audit record is created in the local UNIFIED_AUDIT_TRAIL of CDB$ROOT
Additionally An audit record is created in the SYSLOG facility local1.warning
Common User Login to PDB01
A common user is logged into the PDB01 and COMMON_ORA_LOGON as well LOCAL_ORA_LOGON does create an audit event for audit action LOGON
A single audit record is created in the local UNIFIED_AUDIT_TRAIL of PDB01
Additionally an audit record is created in the SYSLOG facility local1.info
Local User Login to PDB01
A local user is logged into the PDB02 and LOCAL_ORA_LOGON does create an audit event for audit action LOGON
A single audit record is created in the local UNIFIED_AUDIT_TRAIL of PDB02
Additionally an audit record is created in the SYSLOG facility local0.warning
Note: An audit record is created in UNIFIED_AUDIT_TRAIL as well as in SYSLOG. This means that you also have to define a corresponding housekeeping for UNIFIED_AUDIT_TRAIL.
Setup Unified Audit with SYSLOG Integration
Configure SYSLOG
First we do have to configure corresponding SYSLOG destinations for our database audit information. In the following I will not go into the detailed configuration of SYSLOG respectively RSYSLOG. We only extend the configuration with two additional log files. The first thing to do is to edit the /etc/rsyslog.conf file as root user. We add two new local facilities under the RULES section.
The Oracle initialisation parameter for the audit configuration requires an instance restart and has to be modified via CDB$ROOT. Below we just change UNIFIED_AUDIT_COMMON_SYSTEMLOG optionally we can also forward local audit records to SYSLOG by setting UNIFIED_AUDIT_SYSTEMLOG.
SHOW PARAMETER unified_audit_common_systemlog
ALTER SYSTEM SET unified_audit_common_systemlog='local0.info' SCOPE=SPFILE;
Restart the whole container database
SHOW PARAMETER unified_audit_common_systemlog
As of now, audit records for common audit events are forwarded to the appropriate SYSLOG facility.
Audit Policies
For simplicity, we test the audit configuration with a few simple audit policies for the audit action LOGON. Of course, audit policies can be defined for any actions.
Create a common audit policy to log all logon events of common users in CDB$ROOT or any PDB.
COL policy_name FOR A16
COL entity_name FOR A11
SELECT * FROM audit_unified_enabled_policies;
---------------- --------------- ----------- ------- --- ---
Create a local audit policy to log all logon events of local users in a particular PDB.
AUDIT POLICY local_ora_logon;
Check which audit policies are enabled. We can now see that the local audit policy as well as the common audit policy from before are active in the PDB.
COL policy_name FOR A16
COL entity_name FOR A11
SELECT * FROM audit_unified_enabled_policies;
---------------- --------------- ----------- ------- --- ---
Test Audit Configuration
Let’s purge the audit trail in CDB$ROOT as well PDB1 have not too much information in the trail.
audit_trail_type => dbms_audit_mgmt.audit_trail_unified,
use_last_arch_timestamp => FALSE);
audit_trail_type => dbms_audit_mgmt.audit_trail_unified,
use_last_arch_timestamp => FALSE);
First we do a login as user SYSTEM to CDB$ROOT of database TDB19C
sqlplus system@TDB19C
Lets check what we do see in the view UNIFIED_AUDIT_TRAIL
COL event_timestamp FOR A17
COL dbusername FOR A10
COL action_name FOR A17
COL return_code FOR 999999
COL unified_audit_policies FOR A30
to_char(event_timestamp,'dd.mm.yy hh24:mi:ss') event_timestamp,
FROM unified_audit_trail
ORDER BY event_timestamp;
----------------- ---------- ---------- ----------------- ----------- ------------------------------
22.03.22 09:07:03 1430860507 SYS LOGOFF BY CLEANUP 0
23.03.22 14:49:24 2404020191 SYS EXECUTE 0
23.03.22 14:49:44 2578688223 SYSTEM LOGON 0 COMMON_ORA_LOGON
The action number can be locked up in the table AUDIT_ACTIONS
SELECT * FROM audit_actions WHERE action=100;
---------- ----------------------------
Now lets see what happens when we login as SYSTEM into PDB1
CONNECT system@pdb1.trivadislabs.com
We now do see an audit record in the UNIFIED_AUDIT_TRAIL of the PDB. Active Policy for this common user is LOCAL_ORA_LOGON and COMMON_ORA_LOGON.
COL event_timestamp FOR A17
COL dbusername FOR A10
COL action_name FOR A11
COL return_code FOR 999999
COL unified_audit_policies FOR A33
to_char(event_timestamp,'dd.mm.yy hh24:mi:ss') event_timestamp,
FROM unified_audit_trail
ORDER BY event_timestamp;
----------------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ----------- ---------------------------------
23.03.22 14:54:22 1216566979 SYS EXECUTE 0
23.03.22 14:55:01 3827730564 SYSTEM LOGON 0 LOCAL_ORA_LOGON, COMMON_ORA_LOGON
As a final test, we log into PDB1 as local user SCOTT.
connect scott/tiger@pdb1.trivadislabs.com
There is now a new audit record for SCOTT in the UNIFIED_AUDIT_TRAIL of the PDB. Active policy for this local user is LOCAL_ORA_LOGON.
COL event_timestamp FOR A17
COL dbusername FOR A10
COL action_name FOR A11
COL return_code FOR 999999
COL unified_audit_policies FOR A33
to_char(event_timestamp,'dd.mm.yy hh24:mi:ss') event_timestamp,
FROM unified_audit_trail
ORDER BY event_timestamp;
----------------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ----------- ---------------------------------
23.03.22 14:54:22 1216566979 SYS EXECUTE 0
23.03.22 14:55:01 3827730564 SYSTEM LOGON 0 LOCAL_ORA_LOGON, COMMON_ORA_LOGON
23.03.22 14:59:26 2954396682 SCOTT LOGON 0 LOCAL_ORA_LOGON
Because we have only set the parameter UNIFIED_AUDIT_COMMON_SYSTEMLOG and regular audit policies are not forwarded to SYSLOG, we do not find an entry in the corresponding SYSLOG log file.
Although many things have been simplified with Oracle Unified Audit, it is easy to lose Although much has been simplified with Oracle Unified Audit, it is easy to lose track of all the common and local audit policies in an Oracle multitenant environment. An up-to-date audit concept that takes these special cases into account is absolutely essential. This includes the use of the new initialisation parameters for SYSLOG integration. Although the information in SYSLOG is nowhere near as rich as in UNIFIED_AUDIT_TRAIL itself, this feature allows easy integration of Oracle audit events into a central repository, e.g. Splunk, Elastiksearch or similar, to create a simple audit dashboard. The true source of the audit data with information on the complete SQL statements, detailed user information etc. remains reserved for the Unified Audit trail in the database.
Pluggable Database with Unified Audit and SYSLOG configuration
I have mentioned SYSLOG and RSYSLOG alternately in the blog post. The Oracle feature is basically for SYSLOG and all services based on SYSLOG. Whereas on my OCI Compute instance, where I did my tests, RSYSLOG is configured and used.
The tnsnames.ora is a configuration file for Oracle database respectively Oracle Net Service Names resolution. It contains network service names that are mapped to connection descriptors for the local naming method. With the help of tnsnames.ora Oracle clients respectively the users can easily access Oracle databases. The connection descriptors provides all relevant information like host, port, service name etc.
For larger environments with multiple Oracle databases and hundreds or more clients, managing and distributing the tnsnames.ora becomes difficult. Especially when Oracle DataGuard or Oracle Real Application Cluster are added, where more complex connection description with failover or load balancing information is needed. A reliable Oracle Network Service and an up-to-date tnsnames.ora are crucial for a highly available access to Oracle databases. A manual copy of tnsnames.ora or a central NFS or Windows share usually does not meet this requirement.
The Solution Approach
The idea of using an LDAP directory to manage Oracle Network Service Names is not new. There are several official and unofficial approaches how this can be implemented:
Use of an Oracle Directory for the administration of Oracle Net Service Names, e.g. Oracle Internet Directory (OID) or Oracle Unified Directory (OUD). Whereby with this solution a corresponding Oracle Directory Services Plus license is required. In addition, OID is anything but lean. Ok the license situation has slightly changed see Free Oracle Unified Directory for Oracle Net Services
Setup of Oracle Enterprise User Security (EUS). Here, too, an Oracle Directory, i.e. OID or OUD with a corresponding license, is required. With this solution, the authentication and authorisation of the databases is also solved centrally. The setup of EUS is rather complex as it is not only to setup an LDAP server. You also have to define and implement an appropriate user and role concept. In any case, this has an impact on existing applications and use cases.
Oracle Network Service Names can be entered directly in MS Active Directory. The database names are then resolved via AD. However, this method requires a schema extension in MS Active Directory. This is usually not so easy to implement in larger environments.
Alternative LDAP directory servers like OpenLDAP or 389 Directory Server can be used. Also here a schema extension is needed. Since the LDAP servers are only used for the Oracle Net Service Names resolution this is not critical. Especially since a LDAP schema extension is standard procedure. The advantage of this method is that by using an OpenSource LDAP server the costs remain manageable, although it is not officially supported.
The following figure shows a schematic diagram of the Oracle Network Service Names resolution using an open source LDAP directory as an example.
Oracle Network Service Names Resolution
For the solution presented here, we use the open source LDAP server 389 Directory Server. This is available as an open source variant via Fedora and is also part of RedHat Enterprise Linux as RedHat Directory Server (RHDS). Whereby a corresponding subscription is necessary in order to use the RedHat Directory Server (RHDS). However, the 389 Directory Server from the Fedora project also works perfectly under Oracle Enterprise Linux 8.
The solution presented here is based on the 389 Directory Server from the Fedora project. However, the installation and configuration steps can be applied more or less 1:1 to the RedHat Directory Server (RHDS) as well. Especially since the documentation from the 389 Directory Server is usually any way based on the RedHat documentation or at least references it.
Prerequisites and Requirements
The prerequisites are straight forward. The 389 Directory Server or RedHat Directory Server (RHDS) is modest in terms of system resources. Especially as LDAP server for a few 100 Oracle Net Service Names. The documentation Red Hat Directory Server 11 Release Notes does not show any specific hardware requirements. It is recommended to provide at least 2 CPU cores plus 16GB memory for productive environments. For a simple test setup also less is enough. The base operating system is OEL 8.5 or REL 8.5.
First of all we have to make sure, that the Fedora EPEL repository is added and the 389-ds Module is enabled.
Optional we pre create the dirsrv group and assign the OS user oracle to be a member of this group. This allows certain administrative activities to be performed as user oracle.
The installation is quite simple. Since we added the Fedora EPEL repository, we only need to install the appropriate packages and dependencies for 389 Directory Server with yum.
sudo yum install 389-ds-base sscg
Configure 389 Directory Server for Oracle Net Service
Once the packages are installed, we can create a Directory Server instance. The easiest way to do this is to use a template. The template can be created directly with dscreate.
sudo dscreate create-template /tmp/oraNet.inf
The template must then be adjusted accordingly. In particular, the following values must be set:
full_machine_name the full qualified hostname of the LDAP directory server.
instance_name name of the LDAP directory server instance.
root_password password for the directory server root user.
suffix used as base DN for the directory information tree (DIT) of the directory server
Enclosed is an example to setup an instance named oraNet on ldap1.trivadislabs.com with a base DN dc=trivadislabs,dc=com:
The directory server instance is then created as root with the command dscreate.
sudo dscreate from-file /tmp/oraNet.inf
Check if the instance is running. dscreate does not only create the instance. It also configure the corresponding start/stop scripts.
sudo dsctl --list
sudo systemctl status dirsrv@oraNet.service
So that we can later also create corresponding Oracle Net Service Names objects in the Directory Server, the schema must be extended. For this we copy the file 90orclNet.ldif into the corresponding instance directory and restart the instance.
Check the status of our new Directory Server instanz.
sudo dsctl $(dsctl --list) status
sudo dsctl $(dsctl --list) healthcheck
n the following we will execute several LDAP commands. To avoid having to enter the password interactively each time, we save it temporarily in a local file. This file is passed with the parameter -y to the LDAP command. It makes sense to delete the password file afterwards.
The directory server is actually ready now. However, in order to be able to register the corresponding Oracle Net Service Names. We still need to create an Oracle Context. To do this, we simply create an object cn=OracleContext with the class orclContext in the Base DN dc=trivadislabs,dc=com.
Since the Oracle clients usually execute the resolution of the Oracle Net Service Names with an anonymous LDAP query respectively with an anonymous bind, the ACIs have to be adapted in a way that anonymous searches are allowed in the Oracle Context.
We now have an empty 389 Directory Server ready to be used for Oracle Net Service Names resolution. It’s about time to add our first entry using ldapadd. In the following example we add a new entry with the name TDB02 and its Oracle Net Description String.
Before we are able to use the LDAP based Oracle Net Service Names we have to configure Oracle Net. To do this, we need to adjust the name resolution order in $TNS_ADMIN/sqlnet.ora with the NAMES.DIRECTORY_PATH parameter and put LDAP first.
In addition, the file $TNS_ADMIN/ldap.ora must be created. In it, the LDAP server configuration must be specified as follows.
Finally we can do a tnsping and check if the Oracle Net Service Name is resolved via LDAP or tnsnames.ora
oracle@db19:~/ [rdbms19] tnsping TDB02
TNS Ping Utility for Linux: Version - Production on 01-MAR-2022 06:31:06
Copyright (c) 1997, 2021, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Used parameter files:
Used LDAP adapter to resolve the alias
OK (10 msec)
What’s Next?
This blog post describes a simple configuration of the 389 Directory Server for Oracle Net Service. In principle, nothing stands in the way of productive use. However, it is recommended to consider 2-3 points in more detail.
User and role concept for the administration and management of data in LDAP.
Toolset for administration e.g. scripts, LDAP browser etc.
High available configuration of the 389 Directory Server e.g. multiple LDAP servers with an appropriate replication configuration.
Certificates suitable for production.
Development and implementation of an operating and security concept. This includes backup and restore tasks, among others.
License and subscription clarification, especially when using the RedHat Directory Server instead of the pure 389 Directory Server.
389 Directory Server, just as with OpenLDAP, it is relatively easy to create a central directory for the Oracle Net Service Names or tnsnames.ora. Within a few minutes you have built a stand-alone LDAP server. With a little more effort, configuring secure SSL certificates, extended directory information trees with different suffixes, as well as replication, etc. is also easily possible.
Based on this approach, we have already been able to successfully set up highly available LDAP directory servers with multiple suffixes respectively Oracle Network Service Domain Names within the scope of customer projects. Thus, nothing stands in the way of replacing the cumbersome manual administration of the tnsnames.ora files with a central directory. Especially if only the Oracle Network Service Names are in focus. If, in addition, the authentication and authorisation of the databases is to be set up centrally, there is no way around Oracle Enterprise User Security (EUS) or Oracle Centrally Managed Users (CMU). The advantage of the solution presented here is that it can be combined with Oracle Centrally Managed Users (CMU). I.e. authentication and authorisation is done with CMU via Active Directory Integration, while name resolution is based on the LDAP directory. All with manageable effort and without additional licensing costs. In contrast, a solution with Oracle Enterprise User Security (EUS) is somewhat more flexible, but also more complex and cost-intensive.
Links and References
The following links are useful in the context of this blog post, tnsnames.ora, Oracle Network Services and LDAP Directory Server.
The tnsnames.ora is a configuration file for Oracle database name resolution. It contains network service names that are mapped to connection descriptors for the local naming method. With the help of tnsnames.ora Oracle clients respectively the users can easily access Oracle databases. The connection descriptors provides all relevant information like host, Port, service name etc.
For larger environments with multiple Oracle databases and hundreds or more clients, managing and distributing the tnsnames.ora becomes cumbersome. The management of Oracle Net Service Names can be done with the following Oracle Solutions and Tools:
Manual management of Oracle Net Service Names in one or more tnsnames.ora files. e.g. with a version control system, NFS share etc.
Oracle Network Service Names can be entered directly in MS Active Directory. The database names are then resolved via AD. However, this method requires a schema extension in MS Active Directory. This is usually not so easy to implement in larger environments.
Use of an Oracle Internet Directory (OID) for the directory based administration of Oracle Net Service Names. But OID is anything but lean.
Oracle Network Service Names Resolution
It is also a good idea to directly implement Oracle Enterprise User Security based on Oracle Internet Directory or Oracle Unified Directory. Whereby with this solution a corresponding Oracle Directory Services Plus license is required. In addition, with Oracle Enterprise User Security, authentication and authorisation are also set up centrally. In addition to the license costs, there is also the increased implementation and operating costs. For the central administration of the Oracle Net Service Names a bit much effort. Especially if you want to use Oracle Centrally Managed Users instead of Oracle Enterprise User Security. As a simple alternative for the directory-based Oracle Net Service Names resolution, an open source LDAP directory service can of course always be used. A proven solution, just not officially supported by Oracle.
Since a few days Oracle has fulfilled my long awaited Christmas wish and adjusted the Restricted Use License for OUD and OID 😎🥳. The changes are available immediately for all current Oracle versions. I.e. Oracle 12.2, 18c, 19c and 21c. For the older database versions, e.g. 12.1 and 11.2 the restricted use licenses have not been adjusted.
Restricted Use Licenses for Directory Naming
This now allows the use of Oracle Unified Directory to build an LDAP directory for Oracle Net Service Names name resolution for any Oracle Edition except Oracle Database Express Edition. With the help of my scripts on GitHub oehrlis/oudbase you can build an OUD directory within a few minutes. I will give an example of this in a later blogpost.
Nothing stands in the way of setting up a simple LDAP directory service, based on Oracle Unified Directory, for Oracle Net Services name resolution. This is especially good news for larger environments and Oracle Centrally Managed Users deployments, where until now the only option was to manage the Oracle Net Service Names manually or to use an OpenSource LDAP directory service.
Links to the latest Oracle® Database Database Licensing Information User Manuals:
Have fun setting up your Oracle Unified Directory based Oracle Net Service Names server. Stay tuned for a couple of technical information and how-to’s ….
This morning I had the opportunity to give a presentation on Oracle Database Vault at the DOAG conference.
Oracle Database Vault has been on the market for a few years now. The product has been constantly improved over the years. But where is it worthwhile to use it? Which security measures can be implemented with it? And from whom does DB Vault protect me at all? In this presentation, the technical possibilities of Database Vault 19c / 21c will be explained in addition to the experiences from two customer projects. We will try to show where the use of Database Vault is worthwhile under certain circumstances and under which conditions it is not. This also includes whether protection against snakes and thieves is ensured.
PS: I asked my children what kind of presentation I should submit. The answers were snakes, thieves and cheetahs…
Sketch of a classified Oracle Database with Database Vault and Transparent Data Encryption (TDE)
Question: Is Oracle Database Vault a separate product?
Answer: Yes it is an option for Oracle Database Enterprise Edition. Beside the Oracle Database Vault Option it is required to have a valid Oracle Database Enterprise Edition license.
Question: What is a REALM
Answer: A REALM is a grouping of database schemas, database objects, and database roles that must be secured for a given application. A REALM is some kind of a security zone for DB objects. User who are owner or participant of the REALM can also access the objects within a REALM. RULE and RULE SET are used to authorise user for REALMS. See also About Realms in Oracle® Database Vault Administrator’s Guide 21c.
Sketch of a Database Vault configuration with three REALMS
If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to ask them via comment on this blog post. Alternatively, you can also contact me directly.
This morning I had the great opportunity to participate in the virtual event AUSOUG Connect 2021 with my lecture Security Best Practice: Oracle passwords, but secure!. For me it was a premiere and a pleasure to be part of an Oracle event in Australia.
Oracle Password Security is a small but central topic in database security. Database security and especially passwords have been on my mind for a while. Over the time, one or the other example on that subject accumulates. Therefore it is not always easy to concentrate on the essential points. And as so often in today’s lecture, there was not enough time to go into all possible examples and demos. For this reason, I try to briefly pick up on one or the other point in this blog post.
Demo Environment
A simple Docker container with Oracle Database is used for the Lab environment. The following sketch shows the schematic structure of the environment. The scripts for this environment and the following demos are available in the GitHub repository oehrlis/orapwd. The Docker container is based on oehrlis/docker. However, the scripts can also be used in another Oracle database container or Oracle database.
Logon Process
The login process into the Oracle database can be performed most easily with a network analysis e.g. with Wireshark. This way you can see exactly which TCP packets are sent from or to the DB server. The network traffic is collected either directly with Wireshark or with the help of tcpdump on the DB server. Here is an example of how to use tcpdump. This requires that tcpdump is installed in advanced. Command has to be run as root.
Then you can connect via SQL*Plus and run test queries. After finishing the tests you can stop tcpdump and analyse the created dump file with Wireshark. After loading the tcpdump file, select a TNS packet for analysis and select Fallow TCP Stream. In the new window you can see the information that is exchanged between the database server and client, as you can see in the following picture.
Example output of a TNS network analysis with Wireshark
With unencrypted SQL*Net connections you can see very nicely the connection establishment, session key exchange and subsequently also the SQL statements which are sent from the client to the server. With an ALTER USER scott IDENTIFIED BY tiger; the statement is only parsed on the server and is therefore not encrypted.
Now create a configure a couple of users using sqlplus. Preferably one user per password verifier. Whereby we set the passwords explicitly with IDENTIFIED BY VALUES.
Don’t forget to grant some privileges..
Now lets see what we have in SYS.USER$
COL name FOR a10
COL password FOR a16
COL spare4 FOR a20
SELECT name,password,spare4 FROM user$ WHERE name LIKE 'TEST_%' ORDER BY 1;
---------- ---------------- ----------------------------------------
TEST_10G AF310E4D20D06950
TEST_11G S:6702B83E88D277BFC378AD6B22DD1AE01895A2
TEST_12C T:45738A7B75C9E31ED0C533BCF4931084658A14
TEST_ALL 4932A1B4C59EC3D0 S:FA89B6A242F2E80B1F45E2A7861D9CF49F51ED
In DBA_USERS we do see the password verifier version
COL username FOR a10
COL password_versions FOR a20
SELECT username, password_versions FROM dba_users WHERE username LIKE 'TEST_%';
---------- --------------------
TEST_10G 10G
TEST_11G 11G
TEST_ALL 10G 11G 12C
TEST_12C 12C
As you can see Oracle did create all 3 password hashes for the user TEST_ALL as ALLOWED_LOGON_VERSION_SERVER is set to 11. We now change it to 12 and see, that the user TEST_10G can no longer connect.
SQL> connect test_10g/Welcome1@pdb1
ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied
Warning: You are no longer connected to ORACLE
Change ALLOWED_LOGON_VERSION_SERVER to 12a will then cause, that only the user TEST_12C and TEST_ALL can log in.
When now changing the password for user TEST_ALL, Oracle will only create the password hash for 12c.
COL username FOR a10
COL password_versions FOR a20
SELECT username, password_versions FROM dba_users WHERE username LIKE 'TEST_%';
---------- --------------------
TEST_10G 10G
TEST_11G 11G
TEST_12C 12C
Check Passwords
To check the default Oracle password we can query dba_users_with_defpwd. Here we see that in PDB1 the user SCOTT still has a default password.
Session altered.
SELECT username FROM dba_users_with_defpwd;
For Oracle 10g respectively passwords stored in SYS.USER$.PASSWORD column we can also verify the password hashes using the script verify_alluser_passwords.sql. This script just calculates the a few passwords based on an embedded dictionary and compares the hashes. You see that the user TEST_10G has a week password.
SQL> @verify_alluser_passwords.sql
User Status Password
----------------------------- -----------------------------
Let’s create manually a Oracle 10g password hash using create_password_hash.sql. The script does use DBMS_CRYPTO to manually create a hash value.
SQL> @create_password_hash.sql system ieShae0
Username : system
Password : ieShae0
Hash : 0AD56CF5F1CB8D2A
SQL : alter user system identified by values '0AD56CF5F1CB8D2A';
When now can create a hash file for the hashcat tool to run a brute force attack on the hash.
echo "0AD56CF5F1CB8D2A:SYSTEM" > demo.hash
hashcat as a couple of options and parameters. Please see https://hashcat.net/hashcat/ for more detailed information. For now we just use the following parameters:
--increment will start to brute force with shorter length e.g 4 characters
--custom-charset1 to define numbers and characters
This session is not using any dictionary or rule base attack. Is is testing all password combination according the formate defined above. This can take a moment. To speed this up you’ll would have to use a dictionary, rule based or combined attack.
hashcat (v6.1.1) starting...
/usr/local/Cellar/hashcat/6.1.1/share/hashcat/OpenCL/m03100_a3-optimized.cl: Pure kernel not found, falling back to optimized kernel
OpenCL API (OpenCL 1.2 (Sep 5 2021 22:39:07)) - Platform #1 [Apple]
* Device #1: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9980HK CPU @ 2.40GHz, skipped
* Device #2: Intel(R) UHD Graphics 630, 1472/1536 MB (384 MB allocatable), 24MCU
* Device #3: AMD Radeon Pro 5500M Compute Engine, 8112/8176 MB (2044 MB allocatable), 24MCU
/usr/local/Cellar/hashcat/6.1.1/share/hashcat/OpenCL/m03100_a3-optimized.cl: Pure kernel not found, falling back to optimized kernel
Minimum password length supported by kernel: 0
Maximum password length supported by kernel: 30
Hashes: 1 digests; 1 unique digests, 1 unique salts
Bitmaps: 16 bits, 65536 entries, 0x0000ffff mask, 262144 bytes, 5/13 rotates
Applicable optimizers applied:
* Optimized-Kernel
* Zero-Byte
* Not-Iterated
* Single-Hash
* Single-Salt
* Brute-Force
Watchdog: Hardware monitoring interface not found on your system.
Watchdog: Temperature abort trigger disabled.
Host memory required for this attack: 602 MB
Session..........: hashcat
Status...........: Cracked
Hash.Name........: Oracle H: Type (Oracle 7+)
Hash.Target......: 0AD56CF5F1CB8D2A:SYSTEM
Time.Started.....: Thu Nov 11 13:52:50 2021 (1 min, 2 secs)
Time.Estimated...: Thu Nov 11 13:53:52 2021 (0 secs)
Guess.Mask.......: ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1 [7]
Guess.Charset....: -1 ?l?d, -2 Undefined, -3 Undefined, -4 Undefined
Guess.Queue......: 4/4 (100.00%)
Speed.#2.........: 4586.9 kH/s (9.83ms) @ Accel:8 Loops:32 Thr:8 Vec:1
Speed.#3.........: 365.5 MH/s (7.82ms) @ Accel:64 Loops:32 Thr:64 Vec:1
Speed.#*.........: 370.1 MH/s
Recovered........: 1/1 (100.00%) Digests
Progress.........: 23809572864/78364164096 (30.38%)
Rejected.........: 0/23809572864 (0.00%)
Restore.Point....: 399360/1679616 (23.78%)
Restore.Sub.#2...: Salt:0 Amplifier:3552-3584 Iteration:0-32
Restore.Sub.#3...: Salt:0 Amplifier:5920-5952 Iteration:0-32
Candidates.#2....: NPRH5I1 -> TFCIN8M
Candidates.#3....: LDD45HR -> SBRYHG0
Started: Thu Nov 11 13:52:44 2021
Stopped: Thu Nov 11 13:53:53 2021
The result can also be grabbed by using the --show command. By the way, the brute force attack on this hash just took about 1min on my MacBookPro.
hashcat --hash-type 3100 ./demo.hash --show
Verify the performance of your environment by running a benchmark on Oracle 7+ hash
hashcat --benchmark --hash-type 3100
hashcat (v6.1.1) starting in benchmark mode...
Benchmarking uses hand-optimized kernel code by default.
You can use it in your cracking session by setting the -O option.
Note: Using optimized kernel code limits the maximum supported password length.
To disable the optimized kernel code in benchmark mode, use the -w option.
OpenCL API (OpenCL 1.2 (Sep 5 2021 22:39:07)) - Platform #1 [Apple]
* Device #1: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9980HK CPU @ 2.40GHz, skipped
* Device #2: Intel(R) UHD Graphics 630, 1472/1536 MB (384 MB allocatable), 24MCU
* Device #3: AMD Radeon Pro 5500M Compute Engine, 8112/8176 MB (2044 MB allocatable), 24MCU
Benchmark relevant options:
* --optimized-kernel-enable
Hashmode: 3100 - Oracle H: Type (Oracle 7+)
Speed.#2.........: 4946.0 kH/s (78.31ms) @ Accel:128 Loops:16 Thr:8 Vec:1
Speed.#3.........: 349.2 MH/s (71.25ms) @ Accel:32 Loops:512 Thr:64 Vec:1
Speed.#*.........: 354.2 MH/s
Started: Thu Nov 11 13:57:56 2021
Stopped: Thu Nov 11 13:58:02 2021
As you see hashcat, john the ripper etc are powerful but also dangerous tools when it comes to password engineering 😊
AUSOUG virtual Connect 2021 – Oracle passwords, but secure! by Stefan Oehrli
The use of methods and tools to verify password hashes are not allowed everywhere. In particular, their use on productive environments is explicitly not recommended. Please check if the tools are allowed in the respective environment, company, country, etc. before using them. The author disclaims any liability.