I deliver a presentations entitled “Wieviel Security bietet Oracle XE?” at DOAG Datenbank Tage 2019 event organised by DOAG. More information on this event including full agenda, registration etc. is available on the DOAG web side DOAG Datenbank Tage 2019
Short abstract for my presentation:
The latest version of Oracle Database 18c Express Edition (XE) offers a lot of useful features, which are usually only known from enterprise environments. These include support for multitenant, in-memory, partitioning and other features. But what about database security? What is possible with Oracle 18c XE in the area of database security? Where are workarounds or other products required? And what are differences to other Oracle database editions? The presentation shows how much database security is possible with the latest version of Oracle Express Edition.
I hope you can join this event.