Public Appearances

Here you will find a list of planned and past presentations, seminars and classes.

  • Tue
    14:15Trivadis Office Bern

    For once, no Oracle Event 🙂 I'll speak about the new EU GDPR and its impact on databases. My collegue Stephan Hurni will cover the technical part on MS SQL Server 2016. The agenda, registration and more information on the event is available at the Trivadis SQL Server 2016.

  • Thu
    14:15Trivadis Office Basel

    For once, no Oracle Event 🙂 I'll speak about the new EU GDPR and its impact on databases. My collegue Stephan Hurni will cover the technical part on MS SQL Server 2016. The agenda, registration and more information on the event is available at the Trivadis SQL Server 2016.

  • Fri

    In this DOAG webinar I'll present the new security features and enhancements of Oracle 12c Release 2. The webinar itself will be in german. The agenda, registration and more information on the event is available at the DOAG Datenbank Webinar 12.2 New Security Features.

  • Tue

    Trivadis is organizing once a month a short webinar. With these webinars, Trivadis provides information on the latest topics from the IT world. The webinar on June 13th will be held by Christian Golz and me. We will speak about GDPR and its impact on MS SQL Server 2016. Interested? More information as well online registration for the Trivadis TriCast is available online TriCast About. Currently most of the TriCast's are in German. In case of high demand, we will also held them in English.

  • Thu
    13:30Trivadis Danmark (Copenhagen)

    It is almost a year ago since the new General Data Protection Regularion (GDPR) has been published. It will take another year until GDPR comes into effect. A year goes by faster than you think. It is definitely time to deal with the topic and the possible impact on database. What does the new GDPR mean for companies in general and IT departments in particular? How does the implementation of the EU GDPR impact IT departments, Systems and Processes? Changes can be expected, therefore data privacy and data protection is a hot topic discussed at a global level.

    In addition to a brief introduction into GDPR, the various security features of the Oracle Database 12c as well as MS SQL Server 2016 are discussed.


    • 13:30 Check-in & Registrering
    • 13:40  Velkomst
    • 13:45  Introduction to EU GDPR and its impact on databases
    • 14:30  Kaffepause
    • 14:50  Database Security Features Oracle
    • 15:20  Pause
    • 15:30  Database Security Features MS SQL Server
    • 16:00  Q&A
    • 16:30  Afrunding

    Although the Agenda is in danish, presentation will be in english 🙂

  • Wed
    08:30Trivadis Wien

    It is almost a year ago since the new General Data Protection Regularion (GDPR) has been published. It will take another year until GDPR comes into effect. A year goes by faster than you think. It is definitely time to deal with the topic and the possible impact on database. What does the new GDPR mean for companies in general and IT departments in particular? How does the implementation of the EU GDPR impact IT departments, Systems and Processes? Changes can be expected, therefore data privacy and data protection is a hot topic discussed at a global level.

    In addition to a brief introduction into GDPR, the various security features of the Oracle Database 12c as well as MS SQL Server 2016 are discussed.

    Draft Agenda:

    • 08:30 Begrüssung / Welcome Coffee Trivadis / Einführung
    • 08:45 Einführung in die EU GDPR und Einfluss auf Datenschutzgesetze
    • 09:30 Database Security Features Oracle
    • 10:00 Database Security MS SQL Security Features
    • 10:30 Q&A mit Diskussion

    This Event will be in German. Latest News and Registration will be available soon on

  • Thu
    08:30Trivadis München

    It is almost a year ago since the new General Data Protection Regularion (GDPR) has been published. It will take another year until GDPR comes into effect. A year goes by faster than you think. It is definitely time to deal with the topic and the possible impact on database. What does the new GDPR mean for companies in general and IT departments in particular? How does the implementation of the EU GDPR impact IT departments, Systems and Processes? Changes can be expected, therefore data privacy and data protection is a hot topic discussed at a global level.

    In addition to a brief introduction into GDPR, the various security features of the Oracle Database 12c as well as MS SQL Server 2016 are discussed.

    Draft Agenda:

    • 09:00 Begrüssung / Welcome Coffee Trivadis / Einführung
    • 09:15 Einführung in die EU GDPR und Einfluss auf Datenschutzgesetze
    • 10:00 Database Security Features Oracle
    • 10:30 Database Security MS SQL Security Features
    • 11:00 Q&A mit Diskussion

    This Event will be in German. Latest News and Registration will be available soon on

  • Wed
    13:30Trivadis Danmark (Jylland)

    It is almost a year ago since the new General Data Protection Regularion (GDPR) has been published. It will take another year until GDPR comes into effect. A year goes by faster than you think. It is definitely time to deal with the topic and the possible impact on database. What does the new GDPR mean for companies in general and IT departments in particular? How does the implementation of the EU GDPR impact IT departments, Systems and Processes? Changes can be expected, therefore data privacy and data protection is a hot topic discussed at a global level.

    In addition to a brief introduction into GDPR, the various security features of the Oracle Database 12c as well as MS SQL Server 2016 are discussed.

    Draft Agenda:

    • 13:30 Check-in & Registrering
    • 13:40  Velkomst
    • 13:45  Introduction to EU GDPR and its impact on databases
    • 14:30  Kaffepause
    • 14:50  Database Security Features Oracle
    • 15:20  Pause
    • 15:30  Database Security Features MS SQL Server
    • 16:00  Q&A
    • 16:30  Afrunding

    Although the Agenda is in danish, presentation will be in English 🙂

  • Tue

    Trivadis is organizing once a month a short webinar. With these webinars, Trivadis provides information on the latest topics from the IT world. The webinar on June 13th will be held by Christian Golz and me. We will speak about GDPR and its impact on Oracle Databases. Interested? More information as well online registration for the Trivadis TriCast is available online TriCast About. Currently most of the TriCast's are in German. In case of high demand, we will also held them in English.

  • Fri

    Like every year, Trivadis meets for their annual TechEvent. This event is organized twice a year. In Spring as a smaller internal event and in late summer as one of the biggest IT event in switzerland also for Trivadis customers. You do not yet know the TechEvent? Have a look at the video Trivadis TechEvent If you're interested, have a look at Trivadis TechEvent 2017 - Passion meets Innovation or get in touch with your Trivadis customer contact of your trust.


  • Tue

    As every year, the DOAG conference in Nürnberg takes place in November. This year I've applied for two presentations and a Security Training.

    • Oracle Kerberos in 5 Minuten...
    • Enterprise User Security mit OUD und MS AD in a Nutshell
    • Oracle 12c Release 2 Datenbank Sicherheit in a Nutshell (Schulungstag)

    So far the Oracle 12c Security Training has been approved. In a couple of weeks I'll know if also one of my presentations gets approved. See you at the DOAG in Nürnberg.