Public Appearances

Here you will find a list of planned and past presentations, seminars and classes.

  • Thu
    18:00Denkbar by Edorex Gerechtigkeitsgasse 7 · Bern, BE

    Testautomatisierung für Infrastruktur und DB as Code

    Nach viel zu langer Zeit ist es so weit, das nächste Oracle Beer Bern Meetup findet in Bern vor Ort statt. Wir wollen ins Thema "Testen von Infrastruktur Automatisierung" eintauchen und uns hierzu austauschen. Weitere Informationen zum Event.

    Title: Testing mit Terraform - Ein paar Ideen für den Anfang

    Abstract: Klick, klick, klick und schon habe ich meine Infrastruktur in der Cloud aufgebaut. Doch weis man anschliessend noch was man aufgebaut hat? Mit Infrastruktur as Code respektive Terraform können Cloud Ressourcen relativ einfach aufgebaut, verändert und wieder gelöscht werden. Ideal für das dynamische aufbauen von Test und Lab Umgebung. Doch wie stellt man sicher, dass ein falsches Kommando in der Terraform Konfiguration nicht die ganze Infrastruktur wieder abbaut oder die Kosten in astronomische Höhen schiesst? Wo ist die Grenze zwischen IaC Test und den eigentlichen Release Tests auf den generierten Systemen? Am Beispiel der Accenture Lab und Trainingsumgebungen zeige ich verschiedene Aspekte rund um das Bereitstellen von Cloud basierten Infrastrukturen mit Terraform. Diese Kurspräsentation wird mit Demos und Beispielen ergänzt.

  • Tue
    Adeline Favre Katharina-Sulzer-Platz 9, 8400 Winterthur


    We are pleased to organize for and with you the SOUG Day on the topic of Securtiy in the house "Adeline Favre", Department of Health. Event details and agenda stream 1, stream 2 and stream 3.

    Title: Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall at a Glance

    Schedule: Thuesday April 4th 15:00 - 15:45

    Elevator Pitch: Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall has been improved again with the latest version 20.8. But what capabilities does Oracle’s software appliance offer to protect and monitor my databases?

    Description: With Audit Vault and Database Firewall (AVDF) Oracle offers a software appliance for the management, collection and analysis of audit data. Besides regular audit information directly from databases, AVDF can also collect information from other audit trails. This includes operating systems as well as other databases such as MS SQL Server, Sybase, MySQL and more. With the firewall functionality it is even possible to actively prevent security breaches. But for whom is the use of Oracle AVDF worthwhile? What has to be considered for security projects with Oracle AVDF? In this presentation we will take a look at the current version of Oracle AVDF and try to show if and where the use of Oracle AVDF is worthwhile.

  • Wed

    Two day event in Düsseldorf organiszed by DOAG. See DOAG 2023 Datenbank mit Exaday for the event information or check out the agenda.

    Titel:Database Security but what about Performance?

    Schedule:Thursday 25.05.2023, 13:15 - 14:00

    Abstract: Oracle offers a number of features and options that allow you to comprehensively protect databases with various measures. License and operating costs are certainly a decisive criterion. But what about database performance? Are the measures always transparent or do they have an influence on the performance of the databases? Using a simple setup, swingbench and various use cases, we tried to measure the impact of the security measures on performance. In this presentation we will discuss the test setup, experiences of the tests as well as the results. What can be measured and how? How meaningful are the results? What does the corresponding information mean for a practical implementation of a database security concept? The presentation will be complemented by corresponding examples and live demos.

  • Wed

    Title: Oracle Database: Unified Audit and SYSLOG - Blessing or Curse?

    Abstract: Oracle Audit and SYSLOG is a story with many ups and downs. In old versions it was already possible to configure audit events for SYSLOG with AUDIT_SYSLOG_LEVEL. With Unified Audit this was only possible with UNIFIED_AUDIT_SYSTEMLOG from Oracle 18c and was improved with 19c. But what exactly can you do with it now? Is it a replacement for the UNIFIED_AUDIT_TRAIL?

    Using examples from a customer project, we show the possibilities of the SYSLOG integration of Unified Audit. In addition to the technical configuration, we look at different use cases with their advantages and disadvantages. At the end of this presentation, you will know whether the use of Unified Audit with SYSLOG also makes sense in your database environment. The presentation will be complemented by examples and live demos.

    Translated with DeepL