Here you will find a list of planned and past presentations, seminars and classes.
Event Information:
Thu15Jun201713:30Trivadis Danmark (Copenhagen)
Trivadis TechTalk GDPR - Impact on data security in your databases - Are you ready?
It is almost a year ago since the new General Data Protection Regularion (GDPR) has been published. It will take another year until GDPR comes into effect. A year goes by faster than you think. It is definitely time to deal with the topic and the possible impact on database. What does the new GDPR mean for companies in general and IT departments in particular? How does the implementation of the EU GDPR impact IT departments, Systems and Processes? Changes can be expected, therefore data privacy and data protection is a hot topic discussed at a global level.
In addition to a brief introduction into GDPR, the various security features of the Oracle Database 12c as well as MS SQL Server 2016 are discussed.
- 13:30 Check-in & Registrering
- 13:40 Velkomst
- 13:45 Introduction to EU GDPR and its impact on databases
- 14:30 Kaffepause
- 14:50 Database Security Features Oracle
- 15:20 Pause
- 15:30 Database Security Features MS SQL Server
- 16:00 Q&A
- 16:30 Afrunding
Although the Agenda is in danish, presentation will be in english 🙂