Here you will find a list of planned and past presentations, seminars and classes.
Event Information:
Oracle Groundbreakers APAC Virtual Tour 2021
Event: Oracle Groundbreakers APAC Virtual Tour 2021 are 2 weeks of exciting speeches, round tables and workshops. This year our annual APAC Groundbreakers tour is going virtual. With the participation of many Oracle User Groups, and Java Communities in the region, this year event is promising to be the biggest event ever done within the APACOUC Community.
My Speeches
Titel: DB Nest 21c - PDB Security and Isolation
Elevator Pitch: Lockdown profiles, PDB_OS_CREDENTIALS and other measures have been available since Oracle 12c to increase the security of multitenant DBs. However, these functions cover only part of the measures. Oracle 21c introduced DB Nest, which provides a different approach to security in PDBs.
Description: Lockdown Profile, PDB_OS_CREDENTIALS and other measures to enhance security and isolation of multitenant databases are available since Oracle 12c. Unfortunately only a part of the desired measures can be technically implemented. With the latest release of Oracle 21c a new features called DB Nest has been introduced. DB Nest introduced an other approach to security in PDBs. In this presentation we will discuss the new approach and its possibilities to increase database security of PDBs. The presentation will be completed by corresponding examples and live demos.
The presentation is supplemented by examples and live demos.
Schedule: 22. Nov. 2021 01:00-01:45 Europe/Zurich TZ
Titel: Oracle Database Vault - Protection from Thieves, Snakes,...
Elevator Pitch: Oracle DB Vault has been around for a while. What can it be used to take DB security to the next level? How does it fix in an Enterprise Security Architecture. Let’s have a close look into the latest features and possible use cases.
Description: Oracle Database Vault has been on the market for a few years now. The product has been constantly improved over the years. But where is it worthwhile to use it? Which security measures can be implemented with it? And from whom does DB Vault protect me at all? In this presentation, the technical possibilities of Database Vault 19c / 21c will be explained in addition to the experiences from two customer projects. We will try to show where the use of Database Vault is worthwhile under certain circumstances and under which conditions it is not. This also includes whether protection against snakes and thieves is ensured. PS: I asked my children what kind of presentation I should submit.The answers were snakes, thieves and cheetahs…
Schedule: 30. Nov. 2021 09:00-09:45 Europe/Zurich TZ