Here you find some technical publications and presentations I wrote or co-authored.
Date | Title | Description |
27. September 2017 | TVD_Zentrale_Benutzerverwaltung_mit_EUS_OUD_und_Active-Directory.pdf (Size 992.8 KiB / Hits 1,503) |
Trivadis version of the article about central user management for Oracle databases using Oracle Enterprise User Security and Oracle Unified Directory from the Red Stack Magazine issue september 2017 |
22. August 2017 | zentrale-benutzerverwaltung-mit-eus-oud-und-active-directory.pdf (Size 1.2 MiB / Hits 2,097) |
Red Stack Magazine September 2017 Issue. Article on central user management for Oracle databases using Oracle Enterprise User Security and Oracle Unified Directory. |
22. August 2017 | sichere-oracle-datenbanken-in-der-cloud.pdf (Size 844.4 KiB / Hits 1,285) |
Red Stack Magazine July 2017 Issue. Article on database security for cloud based Oracle databases. |
14. July 2017 | DOAG_Oracle_12cR2_New_Security_Features_English.pdf (Size 4.0 MiB / Hits 4,919) |
DOAG Webinar on Oracle 12c Release 2 New Security Features (english) |
12. June 2017 | DOAG_Oracle_12cR2_New_Security_Features.pdf (Size 3.6 MiB / Hits 2,125) |
DOAG Webinar on Oracle 12c Release 2 New Security Features (german) |
14. July 2016 | Schwaben-Gipfel Top 10 Gefahren_fuer eine Datenbank.pdf (Size 3.8 MiB / Hits 3,559) |
14. July 2016 | Schwaben-Gipfel Die neue EU Datenschutz Verordnung.pdf (Size 1.4 MiB / Hits 2,054) |
10. May 2016 | DOAG__EUS_mit_OUD_Oehrli.pdf (Size 3.0 MiB / Hits 2,749) |
DOAG Datenbank Tage 2016 Enterprise User Security with Oracle Unified Directory |
1. April 2016 | DOAG_SIG_Security_Security_Wieviel_darf_es_sein.pdf (Size 3.4 MiB / Hits 1,689) |
19. May 2015 | DOAG_SIG_Security_Oracle_Unified_Audit.pdf (Size 2.8 MiB / Hits 3,666) |
Oracle Unified Audit Presentation at DOAG SIG in Munich |
29. March 2014 | DOAG_Oracle_AVDF_in_der_Praxis.pdf (Size 2.8 MiB / Hits 2,337) |
Presentation at DOAG SIG Security about Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall |
12. September 2013 | DOAG_SIG_Security_Oracle_Database_12c_New_Security_Features.pdf (Size 3.0 MiB / Hits 5,497) |
Presentation about Oracle 12c new Security Features prepared for the DOAG SIG Security Event on 11.09.2013 in Berlin |
26. June 2013 | Oracle_Database_12c_New_Security_Feature.pdf (Size 2.3 MiB / Hits 10,312) |
Slides on Oracle Database 12c new security features from my presentation at SOUG and DOAG Events. The Information and examples are based on the beta release. Not guarantee for currentness, correctness and completeness. |
25. April 2012 | Oracle_Database_Security.pdf (Size 1.6 MiB / Hits 4,236) |
Presentation about Oracle Security, Database Review and First Cut Analysis prepared for the SOUG / DOAG Event on 24.04.2012 at Basel |
25. April 2012 | Oracle_Audit_in_a_Nutshell.pdf (Size 1.6 MiB / Hits 9,271) |
Presentation about Oracle Audit prepared for the SOUG/DOAG Event on 24.04.2012 at Basel |
9. February 2012 | Security_Wieviel_darf_es_sein (Size 1.3 MiB / Hits 2,985) |
Trivadis Presentation at the Oracle Database Security Seminar in Düsseldorf and Berlin |
24. March 2011 | Slides Audit Management with DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT.pdf (Size 2.2 MiB / Hits 6,874) |
Slides of the SOUG presentation Audit Management with DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT |
30. October 2010 | Audit Management mit DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT.pdf (Size 268.1 KiB / Hits 5,883) |
Article about Audit Management with DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT (german) |